This post is related to a course I am taking CS855 Futuring
& Innovation
1. Discuss one technology and one
key trend from the Horizon Report for Higher Education 2012 or from Horizon Report
from 2011 and check out the Horizon
Report Wiki.
a. Technology: The first technology
reviewed in the 2012 NMC Horizon Report was: Mobile Apps.
b. Trend: People expect to be able
to work, learn and study whenever and wherever they want to.
2. Does the modified Delphi process
that they used to develop it affect the results?
a. I took a course UCLA course on
Principles of Influence of which there are six: Social proof, Liking,
Reciprocity, Consistency, Authority and Scarcity. The first is the most
applicable in the scenario for boards. We determine correctness of opinions, beliefs,
actions by comparing them to others'. This is especially true under conditions
of ambiguity, uncertainty. Others' behavior can promote conformity. Watch this
Below is an image of a mobile
application (iLocator) that we developed in support of our Field Support
Analysts. The application is context aware and integrated into our Remedy
solution. The idea is that an agent can see the lab and any building on the
lab, drill into the building and get a ticket count for that building. The
agent logs into remedy by setting their preferences, meaning they specify their
skill sets i.e. Macintosh Support Analyst, Windows Support Analyst or Equipment
Pickup. Based on those preferences, ticket criticality and geographical
proximity (context awareness) Analysts are assign tickets. This application
allowed us to save six Full Time Equivalents (FTEs). Previously a workflow
manager would assign tickets, now they are assigned automatically. Additionally
before this application, we required a delivery receipt for all equipment deliveries
and pickups. Now we are paperless and that also contributed to the overall FTE
reduction and efficiency gains.
3. Add an image that illustrates your idea. "See

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